What is the full form of DNS ?

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Answer: Dns Definition: DNS Full Form: Domain Name System

Dns Description:
The meaning or full form of DNS is the Domain Name System.
With the help of an IP address in an Internet system, computers are able to communicate with each other and recognize each other.
Computers do not understand human language.
So the question here is, if computers do not understand human language, (for example English, Hindi, French) how can they open any website when we search?
This is where the DNS or domain name system comes in handy.
For example, suppose someone who speaks in English, and wants to communicate with a person who knows Chinese, would need a translator.
The same thing happens in Internet systems, computers understand IP addresses and we humans understand our languages such as Hindi or English.

DNS plays the role of a translator between humans and computers.
The DNS or Domain Name Server maintains a complete table, in which the IP address of each website is mapped.
To understand this in easy language, we can take an example, like when we want to open Facebook in our web browser, we type facebook.com The DNS server converts it to an IP address and tells the browser which IP address it has to contact.
Then the web browser contacts the server of that IP address and provides the necessary information to us.
In other words, we can say that DNS works like a computer’s phone book.
Where we search for any website by name, but DNS searches it by number and brings it to us.

DNS works with the help of the DNS server.
A DNS server is also a computer that stores HTML files and other types of files such as images, videos, etc.
Many servers work together and help web browsers find websites by IP address, these are called DNS servers.
Whenever a user enters a domain name or website in a web browser, the

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