What is the full form of HTTP ?

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Answer: Http Definition: HTTP Full Form: HyperText Transfer Protocol

Http Description:
The meaning or full form of HTTP is the HyperText Transfer Protocol.
Hypertext is a text that is specially coded using a standard coding language, called hypertext marked up language(HTML).
Meaning when we write a particular text using HTML language coding, then that text is called hypertext.

in other words, HTML files are called as Hypertext.
HTML files contain data in the form of simple text.
HTML is a Language, whereas HTTP is its content.
so we can say that any text written using HTML is called hypertext.
Since 1990, HTTP is the foundation of the World Wide Web or the internet.

in the above example, a simple document is written using HTML, the text in the above-said example, the format is hypertext.
The hypertext protocol is used to transfer HTML files that are in hypertext format from one computer to another.
That is, how the two computers communicate with each other through HTML files, it defines the hypertext protocol.
so the hypertext protocol plays an important role in communication.
Whenever we communicate through our computer’s browser to a server, the communication process is done by the HTTP protocol.
Meaning that whenever we surf the internet, the information that reaches us reaches through the HTTP protocol itself.
All web browsers use the same protocol to communicate with the server.
the best example of communication of two computers using hypertext protocol is a web browser.
without HTTP we can not surf the internet.
some famous web browsers are- Chrome, Mozilla, Opera.
Another very important feature of HTTP is that by using it we can transfer all types of files, whether the file is text, image, or video.
The new and advanced level of HTTP has also come, called https.
Its full name is Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol.
The HTTP protocol is a request/response protocol based on a client.
here web servers

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