What is the full form of OP ?

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Answer: Op Definition: OP Full Form: Original Post, Overpowered

Op Description:
OP is a famous Acronym, having many famous full forms, out of that Here we are going to discuss two full forms of OP. One OP full form is related to social media and another OP full form is related to gaming.
The meaning or full form of OP in social media is an Original post or the original poster. Here OP is indicating two different words that are original post and the original poster.
As the name suggests original post is the poster that indicates its own toward a person who is responsible to create it. On the other hand, OP as original post refers to the real post that can be on any social media.
Original post word describes that the post on social media which is getting replies was created by whom. So if a person creates a post and someone replies to it then the actual post will be an original post. This term original post is used frequently on social media such as Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc.
For example person A posts a tweet which is “I have 500 dollars where should I invest it?
Then in this case the post made by Person A will be OP or an original post on which other users will be replying in comments.
Another full form of OP is related to gaming. The meaning or full form of OP in gaming is Overpowered.
Due to online gaming, the word overpowered is used frequently. It is one of the most popular online acronyms, especially in the online gaming world. Most commonly the term overpowered is used in the PUBG game.
As the name suggests overpowered refers to extreme strength. So in online gaming, if a person, character, skill or weapon gets so strong then they will be called overpowered.
In other words, if the strength or power that the character or weapon hold provide an extra or unfair advantage to one user over another then it is called overpowered.
In this way, it

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