What is the full form of OTT ?

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Answer: Ott Definition: OTT Full Form: Over The Top

Ott Description:
OTT full form or meaning is Over the Top.
OTT is a streaming media service that directly reaches viewers through the Internet.
This means that the content of television and film is available to us directly through the Internet on our mobile, computer or TV.
Just like if we had to watch a cinema a few years ago, we could watch it in the cinema hall or on our TV.
but today we don’t have to go to the cinema hall to watch the cinema, we can watch it on our mobile.
The cinema or serial of our choice can be seen sitting at home, and it has become possible due to OTT ie over-the-top.
This means that a content provider is providing its content directly over the Internet to the audience, bypassing the traditional cable system, which is why this service is called over the top.
Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify, YouTube, etc. are some of the most popular OTT service providers.
So assuming that if I am watching a movie on Netflix on my laptop, it means that I am watching a movie using the Netflix OTT service.
OTT does not function like the older cable, broadcast and satellite television platforms, It works through the internet.
The content that is available with an OTT service provider reaches the user according to which device the subscriber wants to see the content on the demand of that subscriber.
Over the top service providers use content delivery network i.e. CDN to send movie and TV shows to the people.
OTT service providers such as Netflix or Amazon Prime build their servers in different countries of the world so that their video content can be easily viewed from any part of the world without any hassle,
and another advantage of this CDN technology is that if a problem occurs in

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