The full form of GB is “GigaByte“. It is a unit used for digital information. It is a multiple of byte. The prefix giga means 109 in the International System of Units (SI). Therefore, one gigabyte (GB) is one billion bytes. This unit is used in places of science, engineering, business, computing, hard ware devices, tape capacities, and data transmission speed. One byte B consists of 8 bits and is equivalent to the unit of octet. There are many other units like MB and KB which are used to define the limit of data. MB stands for Mega Bytes and KB stands for Kilo Bytes.
Types of various Units of Memory SizesNameEqual toSize (In bytes)Bit | 1 bit | 1/8 |
Nibble | 4 bits | 1/2 (rare) |
Byte | 8 bits | 1 |
Kilobyte | 1024 bytes | 1024 |
Megabyte | 1, 024kilobytes | 1, 048, 576 |
Gigabyte | 1, 024 megabytes | 1, 073, 741, 824 |
Terrabyte | 1, 024 gigabytes | 1, 099, 511, 627, 776 |
Petabyte | 1, 024 terrabytes | 1, 125, 899, 906, 842, 624 |
Exabyte | 1, 024 petabytes | 1, 152, 921, 504, 606, 846, 976 |
Zettabyte | 1, 024 exabytes | 1, 180, 591, 620, 717, 411, 303, 424 |
Yottabyte | 1, 024 zettabytes | 1, 208, 925, 819, 614, 629, 174, 706, 176 |
Gadget Boy | General |
Galactic Bloodshed | Science Fiction |
gallbladder | Physiology |
Game Boy | Gaming |
Games Behind | Baseball |
Garth Brooks | Celebs |
Gator Bait | Food & Nutrition |
General Beverage | Companies & Firms |
General Botha | Celebs |
George Bernard | Names and Nicknames |
George Bush | Celebs |
German Body | Governmental |
Gets Beaten | Sports |
Gian Battista | Celebs |
Gift Box | Products |
GingerBread | Food & Nutrition |
Girls Blouse | Clothing |
Give Back | Accounting |
Goat Boy | General |
Going Bananas | Chat |
Gold Box | Products |
Good Boy | Educational |
Google Box | Software |
Governing Board | General Business |
Grab Bag | Toastmasters |
Gradient Based | Mathematics |
Gradual Bend | Products |
Grain Boundary | Physics |
Grand Bazar | Religion |
Great Bear | Companies & Firms |
Great Britain | Countries |
Green Bay Packers | NFL Teams |
Green Bear | Veterinary |
Grizzly Bear | Veterinary |
Group Build | Software |
Guest Book | Toastmasters |
Guild Board | Non-Profit Organizations |
Gümrük Birligi | Turkish |
Gun Boy | General |
Gun Broker | Law & Legal |
GunBoat | Shipping & Sailing |
GüneyBati | Turkish |
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