What is the full form of OBC in Caste System (India)?
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What is the full form of OAS in Governmental (USA)?
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What is the full form of GDI in Governmental?
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What is the full form of GDP?
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What is the full form of ED in Governmental (Census)?
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What is the full form of HDI?
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What is the full form of CSO in Governmental (India)?
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What is the full form of EWS in Governmental (India)?
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What is the full form of LSI in Surveys (India)?
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What is the full form of IMPS in Governmental (USA)?
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What is the full form of CPS in Governmental (USA)?
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What is the full form of CCD in Census (USA)?
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What is the full form of TAR in Climate change Assessment ?
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What is the full form of ABS in Australia ?
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What is the full form of NCDB in Census (USA)?
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