What is the full form of GAP in Agriculture?
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What is the full form of NAPRA in Agricultural Pesticides?
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What is the full form of CSA in Agriculture?
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What is the full form of HYVS?
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What is the full form of NFT in Hydroponics?
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What is the full form of EMS in Agricultural Buildings?
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What is the full form of TPA in Units (Yield)?
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What is the full form of STEM in Fertilisers?
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What is the full form of TSP in Fertilizers ?
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What is the full form of GMC in Agriculture?
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What is the full form of CCA in Certification Programs (USA)?
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What is the full form of CSM in Agronomy?
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What is the full form of SLA in Plants?
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What is the full form of SRC in Energy Crops?
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What is the full form of LPG in Agricultural (Germany)?
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