What is the full form of IM in German ?
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What is the full form of STA. in German ?
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What is the full form of GGF in German ?
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What is the full form of VRW in German ?
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What is the full form of TB. in German ?
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What is the full form of MO. in German ?
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What is the full form of GER. in German ?
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What is the full form of HL. in German ?
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What is the full form of ZK in German ?
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What is the full form of HNO in German ?
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What is the full form of UAWG in German ?
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What is the full form of VZZZ in German ?
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What is the full form of HRSG in German ?
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What is the full form of ME in German ?
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What is the full form of ZLZ in German ?
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