What is the full form of WLAN (डब्लूलैन) ?
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What is the full form of SEO (एसईओ) ?
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What is the full form of OTT (ओटीटी) ?
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What is the full form of LSI (एलएसआई) ?
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What is the full form of IMO (आईएमओ) ?
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What is the full form of LOL (लोल) ?
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What is the full form of FYI (एफवायआई) ?
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What is the full form of HTTP (एचटीटीपी) ?
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What is the full form of DNS (डीएनएस) ?
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What is the full form of GPS (जीपीएस) ?
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What is the full form of ASAP(एएसएपी) ?
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What is the full form of CDN (सीडीएन) ?
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