What is the full form of YAHOO ?
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What is the full form of TLD (टीएलडी ) ?
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What is the full form of VPS (वीपीएस) ?
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What is the full form of TCS (टीसीएस) ?
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What is the full form of SSO(एसएसओ) ?
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What is the full form of SIM (सिम) ?
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What is the full form of SFDC (एसएफडीसी) ?
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What is the full form of SAP (सैप) ?
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What is the full form of RTF (आरटीएफ ) ?
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What is the full form of QR Code ?
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What is the full form of IT (आईटी) ?
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What is the full form of OTP(ओटीपी) ?
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What is the full form of ICT (आईसीटी) ?
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What is the full form of GSM(जीएसएम) ?
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What is the full form of google (गूगल) ?
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