What is the full form of A in Film Censorship (India) ?
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What is the full form of ECU in Camera Shot Types?
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What is the full form of HDTS in Mock Promotional Videos ?
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What is the full form of FESPACO?
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What is the full form of FDFS?
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What is the full form of KGF in Films (India)?
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What is the full form of OC in Fan Fictions?
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What is the full form of TCC in Films (USA)?
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What is the full form of XXX in Film Ratings?
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What is the full form of UBS in Turkish Television Series?
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What is the full form of WB in Entertainment Companies ?
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What is the full form of ABCD in Movies (Bollywood, India)?
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What is the full form of BBB in Hindi Films?
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What is the full form of CIA in Malayalam Films (India)?
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What is the full form of KLPD in Hindi films?
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