What is the full form of WTO (डब्ल्यूटीओ) ?
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What is the full form of UNESCO (यूनेस्को) ?
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What is the full form of SSB (एसएसबी) ?
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What is the full form of WHO(डब्ल्यूएचओ) ?
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What is the full form of NGO (एनजीओ) ?
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What is the full form of UN (यूएन) ?
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What is the full form of SAARC ?
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What is the full form of LIC(एलआईसी) ?
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What is the full form of ISRO(इसरो) ?
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What is the full form of ISO (आईएसओ) ?
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What is the full form of DRDO(डीआरडीओ) ?
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What is the full form of IPL (आईपीएल) ?
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What is the full form of CSK (सीएसके) ?
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What is the full form of CSO (सीएसओ) ?
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What is the full form of CRY (क्राई) ?
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