What is the full form of TBH (टीबीएच) ?
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What is the full form of TMS(टमस ) ?
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What is the full form of WFH (डब्ल्यूएफएच ) ?
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What is the full form of RO (आरओ) ?
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What is the full form of R & D (आर एंड डी ) ?
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What is the full form of PVR (पीवीआर) ?
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What is the full form of PR (पीआर) ?
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What is the full form of PPP (पीपीपी) ?
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What is the full form of PM CARES(पीएम केयर्स) ?
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What is the full form of OK (ओके) ?
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What is the full form of PH (पीएच) ?
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What is the full form of NRC(एनआरसी) ?
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What is the full form of KGF (केजीएफ) ?
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What is the full form of NPR (एनपीआर ) ?
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What is the full form of MIS (एमआईएस) ?
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