What is the full form of A2A in Skating Competitions (USA)?
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What is the full form of LET in Golf?
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What is the full form of UFS in Skates?
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What is the full form of SLS in Skateboarding (USA)?
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What is the full form of ECT in Hiking Trails (USA)?
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What is the full form of MCM?
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What is the full form of EFI in Sports (Ireland, UK)?
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What is the full form of AUG in Sports (Australia)?
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What is the full form of PPC in Shooting Sports Events?
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What is the full form of SRT in Climbing Techniques?
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What is the full form of SWTD in Dolphinariums?
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What is the full form of PWC in Paragliding?
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What is the full form of CSM in Ski Marathons (Canada)?
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What is the full form of DDC in Sports?
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What is the full form of LOU in Rugby (France)?
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