What is the full form of G in Railway Station Codes (India)?
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What is the full form of WAC in Railway Station Codes (UK)?
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What is the full form of FD in Railway Station Codes (India)?
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What is the full form of GBP in Railway Station Codes (India)?
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What is the full form of BHD in Railway Station Codes (India)?
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What is the full form of SME in IRCTC Station Codes (India)?
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What is the full form of HLW in Railway Stations (Scotland)?
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What is the full form of HDF in Railway Station Codes (UK)?
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What is the full form of KBC in Railway Station Codes (UK)?
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What is the full form of KLM in Station Codes (India)?
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What is the full form of KLM in Station Codes (Scotland)?
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What is the full form of LAN in Railway Station Codes (UK)?
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What is the full form of MAU in Railway Station Codes (UK)?
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What is the full form of RCC in Railway Station Codes (UK)?
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What is the full form of TBD in Railway Station Codes (India)?
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