CGHS meaning in Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Organization ?

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Answer: What is Central Government Health Scheme mean?

Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (abb. AB PM-JAY, translation: Longeval India Prime Minister's People's Health; also referred to as Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Scheme abb. NHPS) is a national public health insurance fund of the Government of India that aims to provide free access to health insurance coverage for low income earners in the country. Roughly, the bottom 50% of the country qualifies for this scheme. People using the program access their own primary care services from a family doctor. When anyone needs additional care, then PM-JAY provides free secondary health care for those needing specialist treatment and tertiary health care for those requiring hospitalization.

The programme is part of the Indian government's National Health Policy and is means-tested. It was launched in September 2018 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. That ministry later established the National Health Authority as an organization to administer the program. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and is jointly funded by both the union government and the states. By offering services to 50 crore (500 million) people it is the world's largest government sponsored healthcare program. The program is a means-tested as its users are people with low income in India.


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