CMJ meaning in Airport Code ?

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Answer: What is Chi Mei mean?

CHIMEI Corporation (Chinese: 奇美實業; pinyin: Qíměi Shíyè; CMC) is a Taiwan-based performance materials company. It has long been known as the world’s largest vendor of ABS resins. It has factories in Tainan, Zhenjiang and Zhangzhou. It also produces advanced polymer materials, synthetic rubbers, and specialty chemicals.

CHIMEI Corporation is part of a privately held holding company called the CHIMEI Group, which has numerous subsidiaries. One of them is Chi Mei Optoelectronics (CMO), which was founded in 1997 as a subsidiary of Chi Mei Corporation. Chi Mei Group was the largest shareholder in publicly listed CMO. The new Chimei Innolux Corporation (Chinese: 奇美電子, CMI) is the world's No. 2 and Taiwan's No. 1 largest maker of TFT-LCD panels and the likely owner of Westinghouse Digital Electronics. Though CEO Douglas Woo has maintained the confidentiality of the ownership of the private Westinghouse licensee, they admit a significant vertically integrated relationship exists between the two. CHIMEI has sold Innolux shares, stake in Innolux has fallen to 0.83 percent in Oct. 2021.

CHIMEI has a partnership with Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation of Japan.


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