NIMS meaning in Computing ?

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Answer: What is Novell Internet Messaging System mean?

M+NetMail was an ISP-grade E-mail package by Messaging Architects. It was designed to deliver scalable messaging and calendaring services, using Internet-standard protocols (e.g. IMAP, iCalendar, POP, SMTP), across a large enterprise, or to a large group of users who are not particularly associated (for example, the user population of a typical ISP). The original name for the product, when owned by Novell, was Novell Internet Messaging System (NIMS). Messaging Architects showcased NetMail on its MyRealBox website, this service was discontinued on June 1, 2011.

In late February 2007, Novell sold the Netmail source code and brand name to Messaging Architects, which has since release a new version. This new version came with several long-awaited fixes along with a new "web 2.0" web mail client.

Since 2014 Netmail EMEA use the brand name to deliver software solution. Netmail EMEA is as a formally subsidiary from Messaging Architects (called later Netmail/NetGovern) and now part of Ipro Tech


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