PASTA meaning in Telecommunication ?

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Answer: What is Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages mean?

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the arrival theorem (also referred to as the random observer property, ROP or job observer property) states that "upon arrival at a station, a job observes the system as if in steady state at an arbitrary instant for the system without that job."

The arrival theorem always holds in open product-form networks with unbounded queues at each node, but it also holds in more general networks. A necessary and sufficient condition for the arrival theorem to be satisfied in product-form networks is given in terms of Palm probabilities in Boucherie & Dijk, 1997. A similar result also holds in some closed networks. Examples of product-form networks where the arrival theorem does not hold include reversible Kingman networks and networks with a delay protocol.

Mitrani offers the intuition that "The state of node i as seen by an incoming job has a different distribution from the state seen by a random observer. For instance, an incoming job can never see all 'k jobs present at node i, because it itself cannot be among the jobs already present."


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